Ramadan at Bank Jatim
Date: 14 june 2018Categories :
The thousand months have arrived, all Muslims welcome with joy, even so with all bankjatim employees and employees.
The month of Ramadan was greeted with joy by all employees of Bankjatim, various activities were carried out to welcome and fill this blessed month.
It starts with the Ramadan Islamic boarding school which is carried out every day by the dhuhur prayer at the Baitussy Syakur mosque, the bankjatim complex. The event, which was opened by the Director of Bankjatim, R. Soeroso, was intended as a reflection of all Bankjatim employees, that the life of the world was only temporary. "This Ramadan month. a month full of blessings, a month where every human being must recharge the battery of faith and come back to being a better human being. " R. Soeroso's message at the opening.
In addition to the Ramadan pesantren, bankjatim through the mosque takmir Baitusy Syakur also carried out a daily ta'jil distribution to the surrounding communities and road users who crossed the street in Basuki Rachmad. No less than 100 pieces of ta'il are always distributed every afternoon starting at 16.00 WIB. Baitussy Syakur Mosque Takmir Bankjatim also received payment of zakat, infaq and shodaqoh as well as distributing it to the people who were entitled to receive it.
The agenda which is also held every Ramadan is the Ramadan safari, an activity carried out by top management of Bankjatim to greet Bankjatim employees in all operational areas. This year, Ramadan safari activities are centered in the city of Madiun (25/05).
"Hopefully all of our religious deeds in this holy month will be accepted by Allah SWT," the Director's prayer shortly before closing the speech of Safari Ramadan 2018