Investor Relations

Establishing a relation with an investor, analyst and regulator (OJK, BEI, KSEI) is one of task that being concerned by Bank Jatim. Through that communication Bank Jatim gives strategic information that integrating financial, communications, marketing and legal compliance that allow forming two way communications among company, community and constitution.

Established since July 2012, Investor Relation Unit is a part of Corporate Secretary Division that has become a bridge between management and investor, analyst and banking regulator.

Bank makes serious effort in increasing company transparency and disclosure  through the function of Investor Relation consistently.

To apply the principles of openness and transparency to each bank's activities especially those that are material, the Group Investor Relation conveys information in a timely and balanced through various means of communication such as email, websites and conference calls and through exposure to the performance and prospects of the bank jatim such as analyst meetings and one-on one meetings.

To fulfil the obligation of information disclosure to public, bank always routinely or incidentally report the activities to Otoritas Jasa keuangan (OJK) and Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) as Capital Market Authority. Also arrange a meeting forum with investor and analyst such as public meetings, analyst meetings, conference calls, analyst visits, site visits, and non deal roadshow.