Product Kafalah
Form of Bank Guarantee is guarantee provided by the Bank to a third party (guaranteed) for a period of time, a certain amount and specific uses, for the fulfillment of customer obligations (guaranteed) to a third party in question.
Intended legal entities and other institutions, which are engaged in construction services, procurement of goods and services, other services and other business sectors that meet eligibility requirements.
Funding Period:
In accordance with the requests of the recipient or maximum guarantees in accordance with the term of the contract between the customer and the guarantee recipient.
- Having an account at Bank Syariah Jatim
- Submit copy SPK (for Bank Guarantee Implementation)
- Submit copy of Tender Project (for Bank Guarantee Offers)
- Cash collateral
- Not listed in the financing of troubled Bank Indonesia and Bank Jatim Syariah
Terms, conditions/for more information about our products, please contact Info Bank Jatim 14044 or visit branch offices Bank Jatim sharia.