shares of Bank Jatim, includes one of the leading stocks in index infobank 15
Date: 05 june 2014Categories : All News

Since Listing on the Indonesian Stock Exchange by July 12, 2012, PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk always strive to be the issuers that have good performance in the stock market. Various steps taken by issuers who have code BJTM in the exchange, ranging from developing relationships with investors and shareholders, with the held Analyst Meeting to update the Quarterly company's performance to the analyst, One on One Meeting with the shareholders and prospective investors to present the performance of the company,Site Visit of investors or shareholders who want to know the situation and condition of the company and in order to establish and maintain good relations, Investor Summit which an annual event for PT, Non Deal Roadshow to investors abroad to perform the update performance of the company, as well as by a Conference Call to update investors on Bank Jatim over the phone.
With the efforts that have been done on an ongoing basis, of 32 Bank which have been listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange, BJTM now become one of the 15 issuers which have leading shares on the Stock Exchange.
index Infobank15 launched by PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange in cooperation with the PT. Pratama Infoarta which has the task of measuring the performance of the price 15 leading stocks of the banks listed on the IDX, recorded BJTM are in position 7 of the 15 stocks included in the list in the calculation Index infobank15 period of June 2013 to November 2013.
index Infobank15 that aims to facilitate investors and market participants to monitor performance banking and stock price movements, it is expected to be a reference for investors in investing in bank stocks, especially those that want to invest in stocks with the good fundamentals, large market capitalization, as well as high transaction activity.
President Director of Bank Jatim Hadi Sukrianto said, with the recorded PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (BJTM) on one of the 15 stocks included in the list calculation of Index infobank15, proving the performance of Bank Jatim has been very good. in fact, Hadi continued, "we are optimistic ahead Bank Jatim can improve the performance better, and became one destination for investors to invest their shares," said Hadi. (cap)