spirit morning with healthy walk with bank jatim

Date: 10 september 2013

Categories : All News

Spirit Morning With Healthy Walk With Bank Jatim

In the spirit of the Indonesian independence was to 68th and in the series of Bank Jatim anniversary 52nd Year, Saturday morning (7/9) Bank Jatim held a Healthy Walk followed by all employees Bank Jatim especially in Surabaya and surrounding areas. At the annual event was also attended by Governor of East Java Soekarwo, directly with the President Director of Bank Jatim Hadi Sukrianto lead healthy walk group of participants who fulfill The main Roads in Surabaya city. 
Healthy walk starts from Bank Jatim Head Office Building Jl. Basuki Rahmat 06.00 pm, then moves toward Jl. Gubernur Suryo, continue along Jl. Panglima Sudirman to the finish returned in front of the  Bank Jatim Head Office of Building Jl. Basuki Rahmat around 07.00 pm. 
Besides Healthy Walk Bank Jatim also held several additional shows and other events such as the provision of door prizes, entertainment stage, and the grand prize drawing 3 units motorcycle Honda Revo. 
On the sidelines of the President Director of Bank Jatim Hadi Sukrianto convey the intent and purposes of the entire series of events. "All of this activity is not just an annual event, but with more emphasis on shared values??, sense of belonging and kinship that is expected to grow which in turn can improve the performance of the company for the better," said Hadi 
As known, Bank Jatim is always scheduled annual event in commemoration of Independence Day, and the anniversary of Bank Jatim which at the same time. the activities are activities in the field of sports and non-sports activities, are more emphasis on social activities. 
Additionally at the same time also held to awarding ceremony to participants Bank Jatim Journalistic Writing Competition  2013. The competition is devoted to reporters / journalist from all media such as print, electronic, and online it was won by Al Sidarto Hendarmono from Radar Surabaya who came out as a champion, then A. Nabhani from Media Daily Balance as a runner up, Slamet Hadi Purnomo from LKBN Antara the third place, as well as the from newspapers Singgalang Hendri Nova and Stefanus A. Setiadji from Bisnis Indonesia sequentially got ranks Expectations I, and II. 
"Thank you for the cooperation and participation of all parties in this whole series of events that can run well, I hope future existing relationships can be increased," hope Hadi. (cap)