populist economic empowerment
Date: 17 february 2010Categories : All News
As a government-owned bank, Bank Jatim is being consistent in the effort to empower people economically populist East Java. one of them is through a particularly lending to Micro, Small, Medium and Corporate, whether through loans from the government or through other credit. Post was disclosed by the Director of Bank Jatim Muljanto, in the dialogue "CENTRAL POINT" broadcast by Metro TV on February 17, 2010 at 16:30 pm.
Economic empowerment program is in line with the development goals of the Government of East Java that focuses on community empowerment through the development of small and medium enterprises. It can be seen from the absorption indicator People's Business Credit (KUR) East Java which was considered a success, the biggest national level which reached Rp 2.46 trillion.
Distribution KUR can not be separated from the strategic role of the Bank Jatim, as the government-owned Bank Jatim Province. Also attending the ceremony were the Head of the East Java Provincial Government Cooperative, Brahman Setyo. (dr.y/nea)