Performance Improved, Bank Jatim Share Dividend Rp 797 Billion

Date: 13 april 2023

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SURABAYA, April 12, 2023. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk or bankjatim has conducted the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) for the fiscal year 2022, in Bromo Room, bankjatim 5th floor Head Office, Surabaya.

Directly present at the GMS was East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa who represented the East Java Provincial Government as the Controlling Shareholder. In its implementation, there are several scenarios of Annual GMS activities for the 2022 Financial Year. The first scenario, shareholders can authorize the Share Registrar without reducing the right of shareholders to attend. The next scenario, for shareholders who want to follow the GMS without being present in person, can watch the GMS through live streaming.

The agenda of the Annual GMS for the fiscal year 2022 consists of:

  1. Approval of the Company's Annual Report Regarding the Company's Condition and Operation during the Fiscal Year 2022, Including the Report on the Implementation of the Board of Commissioners' Supervisory Duties during the Fiscal Year 2022 and Ratification of the Company's Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year 2022;
  2. Determination of the use of the Company's net profit of the financial year 2022, including the provision of bonuses for employees, as well as tantiem and remuneration for the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners;
  3. Granting Authorization to the Board of Commissioners to Appoint a Public Accountant Firm to Audit the Company's Financial Statements for the Financial Year 2023;
  4. Approval of the Company's Corporate Action;
  5. Amendment to the Articles of Association;
  6. Changes in the Company's Management Structure;

In her speech, Khofifah explained that she would continue to encourage bankjatim to improve performance so that it could further contribute to leveraging the economic sector in East Java. "I hope that all levels of bankjatim will be guided by the five pillars to improve banking services in East Java to continue to grow productively. The five pillars include structural transformation, HR or Human Resource transformation, IT Transformation, Policy and Procedure Updating and corporate action to increase sustainable growth," he explained.

The number one person in East Java also reminded about inflation, which has now become a frightening specter for many countries in the world. Under the current economic recovery conditions, people prefer to spend their money to buy basic necessities rather than saving their money in banks.

"This is a challenge for the banking world. The increase in inflation will affect the performance of banks. Because, when the inflation rate is high, the central bank will raise interest rates so that the inflation rate decreases. High inflation makes the real value of savings low so that people choose to spend their money buying increasingly expensive basic necessities rather than saving it in the bank," she said.

Khofifah said, as a BUMD owned by East Java, bankjatim must help the development of MSMEs. Because, the contribution of MSMEs in East Java reached 57.81%. Thus, bankjatim's partiality towards MSMEs must be done in various ways. For example, through lending. Optimization of lending, among others, by encouraging an increase in the productive sector, especially MSMEs and corporations, maximizing efforts to handle NPL recovery, accelerating digital-based product development, and increasing the effectiveness of the treasury business.

"We also appreciate that bankjatim has done digital development through the JConnect brand. This is a good step to compete with other banks," said Khofifah. She advised that bankjatim participate in initiatives to protect the environment for a better future of the earth through the implementation of green banking. This can be done by implementing digital banking products & solutions through online bank account opening features and increasing cardless ATM machines. In addition, implementing a digital workplace or digital document application.

President Director of bankjatim Busrul Iman explained, throughout 2022, bankjatim successfully made positive performance achievements even though the post-pandemic economic recovery process was not completely normal and was still colored by various global challenges. Such as the food crisis and energy transition due to the Russian and Ukrainian conflicts. "With this challenging situation, bankjatim can achieve financial performance in fiscal year 2022 with satisfactory results," he said when submitting the Accountability Report of the Company's Board of Directors for Fiscal Year 2022.

Busrul explained, bankjatim's total assets until the end of December 2022 reached Rp 103.03 trillion or grew 2.29% compared to the previous year. Then, for bankjatim's net profit in 2022 was at Rp 1.54 trillion or grew 1.30% (YoY). "The credit expansion that we provide is also not spared from the increase. Bankjatim has successfully disbursed credit of IDR 46.20 trillion or an increase of 8.06% compared to 2021," he said.

The increase in lending occurred in all segments. This is in line with economic recovery in various sectors. Credit in the MSME sector was the highest contributor to the increase, which increased by 26.24% (YoY) or recorded IDR 6.34 trillion by the end of 2022. Then the commercial loan portfolio also increased by 7.02% or recorded Rp 11.20 trillion. Even more encouraging, credit achievements in the consumption sector also rose significantly where it grew by 5.11% or recorded Rp 28.65 trillion.

The growth of bankjatim lending is of course followed by improvements in loan quality. This can be seen from the Loan At Risk (LAR) ratio which sloped at 4.81% in 2022, compared to 6.57% in the previous year (YoY). Gross Non Performing Loan (NPL) ratio bankjatim also decreased at 2.83%, compared to 4.48% in the previous year (YoY).
 Busrul said, bankjatim has a mission to contribute to economic growth in East Java which has been done in various ways. Among other things, focus on the growth of MSMEs as evidenced by the increase in lending to MSMEs over the past 6 years.

Furthermore, empowering the East Java community and MSME players to become jatim agents. The goal is to serve people in areas that are not reached by bank service offices to conduct cash withdrawals, transfers, cash deposits, and local tax payments. "This year bankjatim has successfully carried out around 500 integration & electronification of regional financial system requests from 38 cities and districts in East Java that have used digital services from bankjatim. Such as market & parking e-retribution, e-KIR, e-ticketing, PBB & BPHTB online, and others, "he said.

Bankjatim also focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). According to Busrul, CSR is a corporate social responsibility program. Through CSR, bankjatim hopes to take part in efforts to encourage progress, empower and create community independence, and improve the local economy. The implementation of CSR programs by bankjatim is a form of support for the implementation of sustainable finance, as well as sustainable development goals. In 2022, bankjatim managed to distribute CSR amounting to Rp 18 billion in the education, health, culture and social sectors.

Bankjatim's positive achievements did not end there. Throughout 2022, bankjatim successfully scored good performance achievements. Some of the awards received include the Best KUR Distributor Bank, The Most Efficient Banking Operation for BPD, Digital Innovation for Sustainable Business, Best Overall Performance for Service Excellence, Digital Brand Awards for Conventional Commercial Banks, and Top Digital Implementation.

Meanwhile, at the 2022 Annual GMS, bankjatim managed to distribute dividends of Rp. 53.09 / share. The value increased from the previous year's dividend of Rp. 52.11 / share. Overall, the total dividends distributed to shareholders amounted to Rp. 797,172,793,173.38 or 51.67% of net income for the fiscal year 2022. The dividend distribution that always increases every year makes BJTM shares one of the favorite stocks of the public's choice in investing.

As for the Annual GMS for Fiscal Year 2022 this time, there were changes in the composition of the company's management. Bankjatim honorably dismissed members of the board of commissioners and members of the sharia supervisory board whose term of office had expired, namely Heru Tjahjono and Saad Ibrahim. Then, Independent Commissioner Muhammad Mas'ud and Sharia Supervisory Board KH Affifudin were also honorably discharged because their terms of office had expired but were reappointed to the same position.

In addition, based on the results of the 2022 Annual GMS, bankjatim also appointed a new commissioner named Adhy Karyono, Compliance Director Tonny Prasetyo, Operations Director Arif Suhirman, and Sharia Supervisory Board Sukadiono. The composition of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of bankjatim after the implementation of the Annual GMS for the Financial Year 2022 is as follows:

  • President Commissioner: Suprajarto
  • Independent Commissioner: Muhammad Mas'ud
  • Independent Commissioner : Sumaryono
  • Independent Commissioner : Candra Fajri Ananda
  • Commissioner : Adhy Karyono

  • President Director : Busrul Iman
  • Micro, Retail and Medium Director : R. Arief Wicaksono
  • Compliance Director: Tonny Prasetyo
  • Director of Finance, Treasury & Global Services : Edi Masrianto
  • Director of Operations : Arif Suhirman
  • IT & Digital Director: Zulhelfi Abidin
  • Director of Risk Management : Eko Susetyono

Sharia Supervisory Board:
1.    KH. Afifuddin Muhajir
2.    Sukadiono