Operational Office of Bank Jatim Affiliated Company Officially Moved Rubber Building

Date: 14 july 2023

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SURABAYA, July 14, 2023. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk or bankjatim has inaugurated the new bankjatim Affiliated Company Operational Office on Friday (14/7). This operational office is a relocation from the old address Jalan Ngagel Jaya No. 18 Surabaya to the new address Jalan Karet No. 62 Surabaya.

Present at the event were bankjatim President Director Busrul Iman, bankjatim Compliance Director Tonny Prasetyo, bankjatim Finance, Treasury and Global Services Director Edi Masrianto, bankjatim Risk Management Director Eko Susetyono, and bankjatim Operations Director Arif Suhirman.

Busrul explained, with the inauguration of the rubber building is expected to be a good start to continue the business and services bankjatim to customers. In addition, it can also make it easier for people and business partners to access bankjatim products.

"The inauguration of this new address as one of the realization that we will always get closer to the community by providing optimal service. Without good collaboration between all parties, the transfer of the Operational Office will not be able to be carried out properly," he explained.

As for the Operational Office of Bank Jatim Affiliated Companies that moved the address consists of Bank Jatim Employee Pension Fund, Bank Jatim Employee Foundation, Bank Jatim Employee Pensioners Association, and Trinisat Wahana Karya.

Busrul revealed, in addition to the existing affiliated companies, bankjatim has also planned to work with new affiliated companies that can provide positive value to the company in the short and long term performance. So that the acceleration of the company's business can be achieved. "We are also always committed to always providing the best for the community. Starting from a variety of products and services, technology, to services, "he explained.