meaning of a service for the customers
Date: 31 may 2013
Categories : All News, All News

There was silence for a moment appear in the excitement of the events Indonesia Marketeers Festival (IMF) 2013th on Tuesday (21/5) ago. In the event that is very important to many businesses and industries in East Java are as stunned for a moment when someone raised his hand when the event is in progress. He introduced himself by name Tjeng Gunawan Candra, pose as customers of Bank Jatim cash office Mulyosari Branch Hospitals Dr. Soetomo Among 1,000 participants who attended the event which was held in the Ballroom of Shangri-La Hotel Jl. No. Mayjend Sungkono. 120 Surabaya, Gunawan his familiar name convey his impression of the Bank Jatim. "I was a customer of Bank Jatim, as a customer I'm satisfied with the services provided Bank Jatim to me even with these conditions, "said Gunawan. Gunawan is one of the customers of the Bank Jatim which does have limitations that is visually impaired. "If on the other bank I have never served, but in Bank Jatim I served well. I assisted giro read that I receive, and also helped fill in the blanks that I need. Thanks Bank Jatim, "said Gunawan and instantly greeted loud applause the whole room who were present at that time. With heartfelt and sincere speech given by Gunawan, President Director of Bank Jatim Hadi Sukrianto who was also present at the same time as a panelist at the event felt very flattered and could not hide his happy. "Thank you for the assessment of our services is our duty to serve customers as possible, this will be a trigger for us to continue to improve the quality of service," said Hadi. What which expressed by Mr. Gunawan, continued Hadi, showed that the the efforts who has been done Bank Jatim, within the scope of service excellent was not in vain. "Always put forward the best service to customers is one key to be Bank Regional Champion (BRC), so that's what we got so far should be maintained and enhanced," said Hadi. As a form of appreciation for what has been delivered in sincere and honest by Mr. Gunawan to the Bank Jatim, on Wednesday (29/5) Bank Jatim invited Mr Gunawan to attend a luncheon that was held at Hotel Sheraton Surabaya. In an event attended by the President Director of Bank Jatim Hadi Sukrianto, Operations Director Eko Antono, Corporate Secretary Rudie Hadiono, and Branch Manager Dr. Soetomo Didik Supriyanto, as well as representatives of Bank Jatim Mulyosari Cash Office. Tjeng Gunawan Chandra again delivered his feelings when transacting cash office Mulyorsari under Leader Nurul Kamaril. "I am very satisfied with the service provided by Bank Jatim, began from security to the teller all helped me very well making it easier for me when transacting, "said Gunawan. The luncheon event is intended as an expression of gratitude, and form of the Bank's approach to the customer. "Surrounded by a commercial bank which is already has a "name" and the Values first to operate in the region Mulyosari, the customer trust Mr Gunawan like this is something we must guard it well. Because the service will create an impression, if the impression is good, then it would be good also for the company either directly or indirectly, "said Nurul. Besides, Didik Supriyanto as Branch Manager of Bank Jatim Dr. Soetomo very proud of the accomplishments Mulyosari cash office, which is not even one year of operation. "Hopefully next we continue to provide the best services to the customer and bring other loyal clients like Mr. Gunawan's," please Didik.