make the spirit of independence to build the spirit work and a better future
Date: 19 august 2013Categories : All News, All News

The spirit of independence is certainly greater among Bank Jatim itself, because right on 17th August anyway PT. BankPembangunanDaerahJawaTimur Tbk was born and in 2013 is entering the age of 52nd Years.
Anniversary of RI 68th and Anniversary of The Bank Jatim 52nd is an important event and a great significance for the entire family of Bank Jatim. Therefore, Saturday (17/8) in Head Office of Bank Jatim at Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 98-104 Surabaya held Flag Ceremony and events Tasyakuran in order to commemorate the 68th anniversary of Independence and Anniversary of Bank Jatim to 52nd
President Director of Bank Jatim Hadi Sukrianto expressed gratitude for the journey Bank Jatim that has entered the age of 52nd Years. "The age to 52nd is a process we've been through a long journey with many learning experiences as a step to a better life," said Hadi.
Besides, Hadi was also added, with the demands of business competition and efforts to increase the role of the Bank Jatim as one of the nation's economy-wheel drive, especially in East Java. It is necessary readiness for all levels of in Bank Jatim to increase the spirit of work and service improvement in the work, as well as a quick positive response in view of the potential contained in the company's internal and external.
"Our performance this needs to be increased considering the competition in the era of globalization increasingly requires effort, innovation, commitment and consistency in our work and our goal in the declaration Bank Jatim as the BPD Regional Champion (BRC)," said Hadi.
Still in the spirit of Independence shades, as the future generation Hadi invites all levels in the Bank Jatim ranging from employees to management to jointly fulfill their duty well. "Let's face our future, let's answer the challenges and problems with confidence, we reinforce togetherness, we strengthen our efforts, work harder with a conviction, with the blessing of Allah no matter how serious the problems we face, God willing, there way out, "Hope Hadi. (cap)