increasing performance, Bank Jatim aggressive strategy innovation synergy
Date: 24 july 2014Categories : All News

Entering the first half of 2014, Bank Jatim's financial performance continues to show significant growth. It can be seen from the financial indicators are successfully recorded by the Bank Jatim during the first half of this increase compared to the same period in the previous year (YoY).
Total assets of Bank Jatim has increased Rp 42.15 trillion (up 24.50%), Third Party Funds amounting to Rp 35.48 trillion (up 29.41%) and loans of Rp 24.82 trillion (up 21.48 %).
In terms of Interest Income, Bank Jatim has recorded Rp 1.89 trillion (up 25.57%), so the operating profit also encouraged to Rp 747.62 billion (up 25.98%) and Net Income of USD 543 , 28 billion (up 26.76%).
Third Party Fundraising reached Rp35,48 trillion (up 29.41%) was obtained from the Giro of Rp 16.56 trillion (up 37.07%), savings of Rp 8.08 trillion (up 14.40%) and deposits of Rp 10.83 trillion (up 31.15%). Composition of Third Party Funds managing Java more funds that affect the Bank's CASA ratio of 69.46% recorded in East Java. In addition, Bank Jatim has the highest market share of demand deposits in East Java that is equal to 31.94%.
Of growth in the managed credit distribution Bank Jatim recorded in the first half, the highest contribution rate is derived from commercial loans of Rp 5.02 trillion (up 29.72%) which is productive credit. This is one of the Bank Jatim's commitment to increase the percentage of earning credits in the composition of credit expansion.
While the contribution of consumer credit, Bank Jatim at Rp 15.60 trillion (up 18.90%), and SME loans of Rp 4.20 trillion (up 22.11%).
To support the growth of financial performance becomes increasingly better, the East Java branch network expansion also continues to increase. As of June 2014 the number of Bank Jatim networking has reached the point of service in 1117 (consisting of one Head Office, 42 Branch Offices, 140 Branch Office, Office 164 Cash, 47 Sharia Services Office, 153 payment points, 60 of Cash Car, Car 6 ATM, 503 1 ATM and CDM).
In terms of financial ratios period in June 2014, Bank Jatim has a Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 20.40%, Return on Assets (ROA) of 4.07%, Operating Expenses to Operating Income (ROA) 64.89%, net interest margin (NIM) 7.03%, and Return on Equity (ROE) 22.06%.
Director of Bank Jatim Sukrianto Hadi explained that in order to improve for the better growth performance, in addition to increasing the number of office network, Bank Jatim also has a good business plan superior in innovation / new product development and service excellence.
"Bank Jatim's commitment to grow and continue to be accompanied by concrete steps in the development and innovation of services and products are competitive and vary according to customer needs. Currently the main focus of Bank Jatim is the development of products and services based on information and technology that is more diverse and focus on the SMEs to develop a micro unit of Bank Jatim, "said Hadi.
Java Business Plan that focus on SME segment with the opening of a micro unit is appropriate because clients are able to reach the unreached by micro banking access. Until the first half of 2014, the Bank Jatim Micro Unit has been operating in the seven-point region include Bank Jatim Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Madiun, Mojokerto, Kediri, Gresik and Malang with the implant systems on the local branch office.
Development / product innovation Bank Jatim in 2014 also continues to increase, as for the others that have been launched between 3366 SMS Banking Bank Jatim and East Java Card Flazz Bank. To enhance service excellence and be able to meet every need of customers, Bank Jatim continues to develop innovative products that include Internet Banking, Priority Banking, Host to Host taps, Hospitals and Educational Institutions, Development cycle savings, EDC, virtual accounts and e Money .
In 2014 this addition, Bank Jatim will change the treasury function of supporting the unit into a profit center by building units dealing room and product development in 2017 are expected to increase revenue to reach an average of 15%. It also conducted a human resource development program through the implementation of KPI Online, grading, and talent programs. (Pr / med)