East Java Provincial Government and Bank Jatim Greet Hundreds of ASNs and Hand Over Social Assistance in Pamekasan
Date: 23 august 2023Categories :
PAMEKASAN, August 23, 2023. As a form of corporate social responsibility to the community, PT Bank Pembangungan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk or bankjatim has officially handed over Corporate Social Renspobility (CSR) assistance in the form of one unit of hearse ambulance to Mohammad Noer Hospital Pamekasan Regency. Located at the Bakorwil IV Pamekasan Building, the CSR handover was symbolically handed over by bankjatim Risk Management Director Eko Susetyono to the Director of Mohammad Noer Pamekasan Hospital Nono Ifantono and witnessed directly by East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa along with hundreds of ASNs in the Sapa ASN Work Area Bakorwil IV Pamekasan on Wednesday (23/8). Also present in the activity were Pamekasan Regent Baddrut Tamam and Deputy Regent Pamekasan Fattah Jasin.
Eko explained, bankjatim which is the bank of the people of East Java is not only focused on increasing business, but also committed to pursuing value that is beneficial to society. One example is through the CSR program or what is known as Bank Jatim Care. "It is an obligation for us to always synergize in building and encouraging an area in East Java so that later it can be an area with a good level of service," he said.
CSR assistance in the form of one cadaver ambulance is expected to be a facility that is ready to serve the needs of Mohammad Noer Hospital Pamekasan and the community so that it can be used for maximum body transportation services. "This ambulance assistance is a form of bankjatim's responsibility to the community in the health sector, so people in need can immediately get service quickly," Eko said.
Therefore, he hopes the ambulance can speed up hospital services and expand the reach of the community. "The action of handing over CSR is also a form of bankjatim's commitment to participate in sustainable economic development, both for agencies, communities and surrounding communities," continued Eko.
In addition, Bank Jatim also together with the Social Service (Dinsos) of the East Java Provincial Government distributed food and cash assistance to the community in Pamekasan. The details include social assistance for the elderly or family hope plus (PKH plus) for 3,794 families, Social assistance for Socio-Economically Vulnerable Women (WRSE) for 60 people, and assistance for people with disabilities (ASPD) for 49 people in the form of assistive devices. Then Ultra Micro Productive Zakat for 50 people and the last is a compassion for TKSK and Tagana.
East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa through the Acting Head of the East Java Provincial Social Service Restu Novi Widiani said the social assistance budget for the community in Pamekasan was Rp 2,262,425,000. "For PKH plus, PKM in Pamekasan is the largest in East Java. Hopefully this will be useful," he said.
Baddrut expressed his deepest gratitude. Especially to the East Java Provincial Government. The assistance is considered very useful in reducing daily needs. "I would like to express my deepest gratitude," he said.
Meanwhile, in the Sapa ASN activity Khofifah advised that we all continue to provide innovations that can improve efficiency, effectiveness, and speed of service. "The government must be well maintained and must have high accountability," she said.