on this blessed month Bank Jatim gave a help with bank jatim peduli kelud account
Date: 25 july 2014Categories :

Bank Jatim Su'udi as represented by the Risk Management Division Leader Bank Jatim as well as representatives from the Central Office and the Bank Jatim Kediri Branch directly provide assistance that has been collected from the account of Bank Jatim Kelud Caring for Rp. 113,003,882.33 to Diniyah Bustanul Ulum Madrasah board 2 Kediri.
According Su'udi this aid is a form of Bank Jatim for the trust that has been given to Bank Jatim in the community to raise funds to care for victims of the eruption of Mount Kelud.
"Since the beginning of the eruption that hit our brothers in Kediri and surrounding areas in February last month, Bank Jatim has taken the initiative to coordinate and ease the burden of the victims affected by the eruption of open accounts kelud this matter, and today is a form of accountability our answer to the above funds have been collected to be passed on to those in need, "said Su'udi.
The Ulum Madrasah Diniyah Bustanul 2 Kediri designated as the grant recipient because the Madrasah became one of the locations directly affected by the eruption of Mount Kelud, so with the help of the school was given in addition to the right target can also help the process of learning and teaching students to remain walking and normal as before.
A grant submitted by the Bank Jatim to Diniyah Bustanul Ulum Madrasah 2 Kediri specifically itemized for various needs including compensation to 100 students, school building renovations, purchase of new books and other teaching and learning materials, teacher compensation to landfill, carpet replacement Help mosque, Qur'an purchase, cabinets, mukena and new prayer rugs, as well as compensation and rehabilitation home for 2 widows.
Delivery of funds from the account of Bank Jatim Kelud Cares It also coincides with the month of Ramadan, with consideration of the magnitude of the blessings and virtues of the month of Ramadan is expected this relief can be a benefit to all parties.
"On this good month and days, we hope what we intend and strive with sincerity to help the victims of this disaster Kelud can provide benefits for all parties and a field of worship to our future," Please Slamet Budi Susetyo, Acting Corporate Secretary. With assistance from the accounts submitted Care Kelud Bank Jatim, then the account is formally closed and the process of raising funds for victims of the eruption of Mount Kelud has ended.