Bank Jatim Syaria Participated In The 33rd Muktamar NU
Date: 03 august 2015Categories : All News
Sharia Business Unit (UUS) PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur East Tbk (Bankjatim) syaria continued to take steps expansion of the network of cooperation in order to increase the Bank's business as a whole. This is demonstrated by the implementation of cooperation with the already existing agencies such as the East Java Developer (developer), Financial Institutions, Educational Institutions, Government Agencies and other community institutions with local and national scale.
Besides, as a principled Bank sharia, Islamic Bank of East Java has always supported the efforts of various parties in conducting activities related to strengthening ukhuwah Islamiyah. Among them participated in the congress of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) 33rd held in Jombang on 1-5 August 2015.
In the grand event, Bank Jatim Syariah enliven the event by opening an exhibition booth at the event location Conference centered on the town square Jombang. In the exhibition booth visitors can use to find the products and services of Islamic Bank Jatim in detail, both in terms of finance or fund products as well as other banking services of Bank Jatim diverse Sharia.
Director of Bank Jatim, R. Soeroso said participation in the Islamic Bank of East Java NU event is not only limited but also open the exhibition booth to participate further in the successful execution of the event.
Bank Jatim specifically Sharia also provide assistance in the form 4000 to the participants toiletries Congress As part of our support to this event, "said R. Soeroso.
Before the Muktamar NU, Bank Jatim Syariah also exploring good cooperation relationship with several charitable efforts under the auspices of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) of them to cooperate with the Institute of Education (LP) Ma'Arif Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Malang Regency and BMT UGT Sidogiri Pasuruan.
LP Maarif NU is a department within the NU organization engaged in education. We have had thousands of educational institutions spread throughout the country under its aegis, ranging from TK / RA, SD / MI, SMP / MTs, SMK / SMA / MA to college.
While BMT UGT Sidogiri an institution founded by several people who are in one activity Affairs Task Master Boarding Sidogiri (UGT PPS) in which there are people who work as teachers and leaders of madrasas, alumni of the boarding school Sidogiri Pasuruan and sympathizers who spread in East Java. BMT UGT airport storage Sidogiri funds from the public and provide funding for the community.
The form of cooperation that will be implemented Sharia Bank Jatim with two charitable efforts include the development of educational expertise economics (Islam / Sharia), cooperation in the field of financial services, financing, and financial management and other banking services.
The cooperation with BMT UGT and LP Ma'Arif Sidogiri is expected to increase the institutional relationship between the Bank of East Java NU charitable efforts in order to develop Sharia-compliant banking industry and drive the economic power of Islam. In addition, it provides an overview as well as education about the Islamic banking industry, which in turn can realize synergies banks with Islamic-based social institutions toward expediency.
Bank Jatim Syariah is the Sharia Business Unit from bankjatim and build from 2007 with total assets achieved 1,3 triliun rupiahs till 30 June, 2015. Until may 2015, Bank Jatim Syaria has a 118 service network point consisting of 1 headquarters, 3 branches, 7 sub-branches, 97 sharia service offices and 10 ATMs. Bank Syariah Jatim also supported by a network of alliances through ATM Bersama 44 576, 45 902 ATM Prima network, as well as merchant 177 522 debit spread throughout Indonesia (pr/med)