bank jatim record growth in assets 17.17%
Date: 08 march 2013
Categories : All News, All News

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk per December 2012 has recorded the acquisition of assets of Rp29, 11 billion (audited), or a growth of 17.17% from the same period last year (YoY) amounted to Rp24, 9 billion. Acquisition of assets was mainly derived from the contribution of Third Party Funds (TPF) of Rp21, 98 billion and loans amounted to Rp18, 55 billion. As stated by President Director of Bank Jatim Hadi Sukrianto at press conference on Thursday (7/03) in the education room floors 5A head office Bank Jatim, while the largest contribution to the acquisition of deposits was contributed by the type Deposits Giro Rp9, 64 billion grew 18 % (YOY), and Savings Rp8, 11 billion, growing 14.59% (YOY). "This indicates that the Bank Jatim third party funds dominated by cheap fundraiser that Giro and Savings with Casa ratio amounted to 82.3%," said Hadi. In terms of loan portfolio, according to per December 2012 Hadi Jatim Bank has disbursed loans amounted to Rp18, 55 billion. This figure has increased by 15.01% compared with a year ago, the same period. "Credit contributed rise of 57.29% of total assets, which have an impact also on the rise in interest income amounted to Rp1, 95 trillion or an increase of 1.80% (YoY), primarily derived from interest income from loans is the greatest contribution , "said Hadi. In addition, Bank Jatim also recorded an increase in Fee Based Income grew by Rp357 billion or an increase of 40.76% (YOY), and per December 2012 Bank Jatim posted a profit before tax of Rp1.miliar or net income Rp724.639.000 Up to in February 2013, the profit achieved by the Bank Jatim amounted to Rp220.738 million or grew by 17% from the same month in 2012. In an effort to improve the performance in 2013, Bank Jatim has a business plan that will be developed, that is the operational network expansion across the region Jatim with a total of 180 new office network. Moreover future strategy, Bank Jatim constantly strive to improve quality and service, and strives to continue innovation in order to be healthy and growing bank fairly in accordance with his vision. The effort is poured into the system transformation of Information Technology (IT) Bank Jatim, in order to anticipate the development of business and increasing competition, On 2013 Bank Jatim would develop Information Technology among others sms banking across banks, internet banking, host to host, among others for service tax payment, online payments containers with container terminals targeted in this year everything will be realized.