Bank Jatim Receives Award as East Java Startup Supporting Institution
Date: 20 september 2023Categories :
SURABAYA, September 20, 2023. In the midst of the rapid growth of startups, PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (bankjatim) shows its commitment in supporting the development of these pioneering companies. This was proven by the success of bankjatim in obtaining a certificate of appreciation from the Governor of East Java as the East Java Startup Supporting Institution for its participation in fostering the creativity and innovation of East Java startups. Located at Graha Unesa Surabaya, the award was given directly by East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa to bankjatim in the 2000 Startup East Java Movement event on Wednesday (9/20).
President Director of bankjatim Busrul Iman explained, in Indonesia including East Java, the growth of startups is very massive. Evidently, currently startups in Indonesia are almost in every line of industry. Starting from clothing, food, media, health, transportation, and many more. "Startups also have an important role in economic growth in a country. This is because startups have the potential to give birth to quality companies and have a positive impact on society, especially in creating new jobs," he explained.
Therefore, it is very grateful to be awarded as an East Java startup support institution. Because, currently bankjatim is actively continuing to channel financing to startup companies in order to encourage innovation and development of the startup ecosystem in East Java. "Our hope is that there will be continuous financing, starting from the startup phase which then has the potential to develop into a corporate company so that it can expand their business domestically to an international scale," said busrul.
Meanwhile, Khofifah said that the 2000 Startup Movement activity is very important because it is related to job creation. With adequate employment, the unemployment rate can be reduced as low as possible. According to data as of February 2023, the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in East Java is at 4.33 percent, this figure is below the national TPT rate which is still at 5.45 percent. "So this is a need for East Java to bring new startups, then this job creator is also a very important part of lowering the unemployment rate," she explained.
According to Khofifah, the East Java 2,000 Startup Movement will be an extraordinary lever for the creative economy and creative industry. Not only in East Java but also in Indonesia. "Today we continue to strengthen it. Our hope is that startups in East Java will continue to find networks, find strategic partners, and continue to be able to expand the process of strengthening the creative economy and creative industries," he said.
He also added, with the growth of new startups dominated by young workers, it is expected to open up opportunities to develop the creative industry even greater. Moreover, currently the contribution of the creative economy in East Java to GRDP has reached more than 20 percent.