Bank Jatim reaches Top 50 Best Issuers
Date: 18 september 2023Categories :
JAKARTA, September 18, 2023. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk or bankjatim successfully won the title of Top 50 Best Issuers with Medium Capitalization (MidCap PLCs) Category The Best Financial Sector in the Corporate Governance Conference and Award 2023 event organized by the Indonesia Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD). Located at the Financial Hall, Graha CIMB Niaga, Jakarta, the title was received by bankjatim President Director Busrul Iman who was accompanied by bankjatim Corporate Secretary Wioga Adhiarma Aji on Monday (18/9).
IICD Corporate Governance Conference and Award is an annual event giving appreciation to public companies with the best Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practices for issuers with the Largest Market Capitalization (BigCap) and issuers with Medium Capitalization Market (MidCap).
Busrul explained, the predicate achieved by bankjatim is a form of appreciation and motivation to continue to encourage the company's performance by prioritizing good corporate governance (GCG) at all stages of operational activities. The goal is to ensure sustainable performance in order to continue to provide benefits to stakeholders and shareholders.
According to Busrul, in addition to providing the best service for the community, the award is also expected to increase investor confidence in bankjatim's business performance going forward. "GCG will encourage the creation of a better decision-making process, improve operational efficiency and further optimize services, as well as strengthen corporate value and stakeholder confidence," he added.
Themed Improving Quality Reporting to Encourage Stakeholders Engagement, the assessment method used in the awarding is based on the ASEAN CG Scorecard. The assessment was conducted on 200 issuers listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The details, 100 issuers with the largest capitalization and 100 issuers with medium market capitalization and supported by 6 assessors who are competent and experienced in the ASEAN CG Scorecard with S2 and S3 educational backgrounds.
Different from previous years, the appreciation for issuers with the best CG practices (BigCap and MidCap) this time is divided into 11 categories. Namely Leadership in Corporate Governance, the Best CG Overall, The Best Financial Sector, The Best Non-Financial Sector, The Best SOE / BUMN, The Best Right of Shareholders, The Best Equitable Treatment of Shareholders, The Best Role of Stakeholders, The Best Disclosure and Transparency, The Best Responsibility of the Boards, The Most Improved, which was announced at the peak of the event.