Bank Jatim optimistic reaches muri love in support of the national movement of capital markets (gncpm)
Date: 01 july 2014Categories : All News
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation (KPEI), and the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) in cooperation with the Capital Market Association and supported by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) held a program of the National Movement of Capital Market Love (GNCPM) aimed at moving society to consciously invest in the capital market by providing an understanding of the need to invest in the stock market.
Through this activity, people will have the knowledge and the right way to invest in the stock market through socialization program and continuing education, thus encouraging traditional investors shifted to capital market investors, which in turn is expected to increase the welfare of the community through the selection of investment in the capital market.
Bank Jatim as one of the capital markets issuers that have listed their shares with BJTM code in the Indonesia Stock Exchange on July 12, 2012, took a role in the success of the program. In cooperation with the Indonesia Stock Exchange and PT Bahana Securities as members of the exchange, Bank Jatim do Socialization and Education Capital Markets Bank Jatim to all employees who do not have a securities account that implementation spread over 8 work areas such as Bank Jatim Lamongan, Malang, Banyuwangi, Jakarta, Surabaya, Sampang, Kediri and Madiun (11-26 / 6).
In addition aims to provide knowledge and the right way to invest in the stock market to the employees, socialization also aims to foster a love of employees against Bank Jatim and East Java to increase the liquidity of its shares. As for the number of employees registered and berprartisipasi in this activity is as much as 1842 people.
"Bank Jatim employee participation in this event will help the Bank better known by the people of East Java capital markets and the opportunity to earn an award plaque from the Indonesia Stock Exchange Solution MURI by opening a securities account through the purchase of shares of banks in East Java with a total of as many as 1842 people participating employees. We strongly support the idea of Investor Relations Board of Directors approved, that the program continues to accompany us in every opportunity along with the Indonesia Stock Exchange and PT Bahana Securities, "said Slamet Budi Susetyo, Acting Corporate Secretary of Bank Jatim.
Added by East Ferdian Satyagraha as Investor Relations Bank Jatim, East Java Bank employees also benefit by this socialization events are held, in addition to increasing knowledge in the field of capital markets employees can open a securities account with a very affordable price and get a bonus of as much as 1 lot of shares of Bank Jatim.
"Especially in this event only with a nominal deposit of Rp 150,000.00 employees of Bank Jatim has been able to open a securities account and get a bonus of 1 lot of shares of Bank Jatim, is certainly very interesting and very affordable when compared to opening an account outside events mecapai Rp. 5.000.000, - s / d Rp. 10.000.000, - but have not been able to perform the transaction, "said Ferdinand.
Not quite up there, Ferdi again added to the employee who has opened a securities account in the event was also a chance to win the prize draw program Investa Bright Stock.
In response, Bank Jatim Compliance Director Rudie Hardiono present as speaker in the area of Surabaya Bromo is located in Room Floor Bank Jatim 5 Headquarters, expressed his gratitude for the cooperation that has developed between the Bank Jatim Indonesia Stock Exchange and PT Bahana Securities in order to organize this event.
"These activities are so many benefits to inform the Bank Jatim in terms of the position of the post-IPO Bank Jatim, especially to the employees themselves, therefore thank you for the cooperation of all parties so that this event can run smoothly," said Rudie.
Rudie added further, with the socialization and education to employees of capital markets can foster a sense of love towards the company employees.
"The main objective from this activity is for the employee to have a sense of belonging to the company, so as to do what is best for the company and may be an extension of the company to external parties in achieving the vision and mission of the company," said Rudie.
The effect of socialization and education capital markets in 8 working area of Bank Jatim, the overall current employees of Bank Jatim has had a stake in Bank Jatim, it can strengthen the Bank's capital of East Java and can be expected to further increase the share price of Bank Jatim for the better. (iru/prmed)