Bank Jatim establish communication through investors day "next stage: innovation"
Date: 22 july 2014Categories : All News

Entering the second year in Indonesia Stock Exchange, PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (Bank Jatim) with stock code BJTM held Investor Day on Tuesday (22/7). Bank Jatim's event titled the Next Stage: Innovation is attended by the East Java governor, the entire Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of Bank Jatim, Indonesia Bank, Financial Services Authority and the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Also present, customers, investors, analysts, and various communities with a total of 350 invitations.
The annual event held at Hotel Bumi Surabaya is intended to improve communication and the relationship between the Bank Jatim with a variety of stakeholders. Additionally, intended as a means to convey information overall performance of the Bank Jatim, the future prospects of Bank Jatim, and provide disclosure to the public.
Director of Bank Jatim Sukrianto Hadi said, since becoming a public company in 2012, Bank Jatim continues to improve the performance and continues to provide the latest information disclosure about the company to the public. One of them is through the Investor Day.
''On July 12, 2012, Bank Jatim have release 2.983.537.000 shares for new shares, or 20 percent of the paid up capital after the public offering. The listing is the realization of the Bank Jatim's commitment to become a public company as well as a leading implementation of regional champion. Listing of shares of Bank Jatim is a historic event, for it within two years consecutive regular Java menghelat Bank Investor Day, "said Hadi.
Hadi added that in addition to providing updated information on the overall performance of the Bank Jatim, the Investor Day can improve communication, relationships, and trust the various parties to the Bank Jatim. It makes Bank Jatim became closer and open to the public.
Investor Theme Day: Next Stage Innovation innovation backed Bank Jatim Java in various fields. Among other things, the development of new products, such as internet banking, priority banking, mobile banking, micro credit, bailouts Umrah and also innovation through the application of HR related KPI Online, grading, and talent programs.
On that occasion, Hadi Sukrianto presents the performance up to June 2014 showed growth over the same period the previous year. Among other things, the total assets of Rp 42.15 trillion (up 24.50%), loans of Rp 24.82 trillion (up 21.48%), third-party funds of Rp 35.48 trillion (up 29.41%) , as well as the net profit of Rp 543.28 billion (up 26.76%). In terms of financial ratios period in June 2014, Bank Jatim has a Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 20.40%, Return on Assets (ROA) of 4.07%, Operating Expenses to Operating Income (ROA) 64.89%, net interest margin (NIM) 7.03%, and Return on Equity (ROE) 22.06%.
Financial Performance Continues to Grow
See the Bank's financial performance continues to grow Java, East Java governor who attended Investor Day, help provide a response. '' The growth of the Bank's financial performance is directly proportional to the East Java economic growth in East Java that some of this year has risen significantly compared to the national average GDP. From here we can see the future prospects of Bank Jatim is very good, "said Soekarwo.
According Soekarwo, as his bank community in East Java, the conditions are very favorable for the Bank Jatim. ''Bank Jatim has a great opportunity to capture the market share allotments or in East Java. Therefore, investing in Bank Jatim is the right step and profitable. Expected, the Investor Day can convince investors to make informed choices in investing in Bank Jatim and strengthen the Bank's share price in order to continue to grow and evolve, "said Soekarwo.
Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange Ito Warsito also participated as a speaker in the Investor Day Bank Jatim. Ito provide opinions and suggestions in investing in the stock market.
''Every investor needs to know and study the performance of listed companies in the stock market. This is important so that no one in determining the choice. If you want to buy stocks studied the performance and prospects of the issuer. Shares in the stock price will go up and down depends sentiment but all good fundamental stocks will go up. Instead, stock investments made for the long term. Advantages stock investing can exceed other types of investment, '"said Ito.
In response, Hadi Sukrianto asserts that became publicly traded company is one of the success of the Bank Jatim. '' This success encourages us to work even harder into the future to improve and produce better performance, "said Hadi. (pr / med)