Bank Jatim and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Synergize to Support the Welfare of 12 Thousand Vulnerable Workers

Date: 22 february 2024

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SURABAYA, February 22, 2024. As a form of support in order to improve the social welfare of the community, PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk or bankjatim has synergized with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to support the National Movement for Vulnerable Workers (GN Lingkaran) program. The form of support is by paying contribution for 12 thousand vulnerable workers from MSMEs with a protection period of 4 (four) months.

Located at the Wyndham Hotel Surabaya, the submission of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan cards to vulnerable workers was symbolically carried out by SEVP of Corporations, Syndications and Institutions of bankjatim Koerniawan Prijambodo accompanied by the Head of the East Java Regional Office of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Hadi Purnomo on Thursday (22/2).

The President Director of bankjatim Busrul Iman explained, bankjatim as the bank of East Java arek-arek certainly not only dwell as a business entity. But also participate in supporting the development and improvement of community welfare, including the success of the GN Circle BPJS Employment program. "The company's support for the GN Circle program is a form of bankjatim's commitment in encouraging efforts to equalize social welfare in the country and this is also in line with bankjatim's business vision in creating a greater contribution to society in various fields," he explained.

According to Busrul again, with the support and participation of bankjatim for 12 thousand participants who are members of the GN Circle it is expected to be useful, especially for vulnerable workers with low income and unable to make payments independently. "Hopefully bankjatim can continue to be a good partner for BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and hopefully positive programs like this can continue in the future," he said.

While GN Circle is a program specifically designed to provide assistance to groups of people who fall into the category of vulnerable workers not receiving wages so that they can obtain social security protection BPJS Employment. The program opens opportunities for people and companies who want to contribute donations so that they can help vulnerable workers to be protected by the employment social security program.

Bankjatim itself has contributed to this GN Circle from 2019 to 2022. When detailed, in 2019 protection was given to Quran teachers in Surabaya City with a total of 13,773 recipients. Then in 2020 protection was given to 35,000 vulnerable workers who received assistance from the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Surabaya. Furthermore, in 2021 there are two rounds of participation in GN Circle. The first stage of protection is given to 10,000 workers and the second stage is given to 5,000 workers. Finally, in 2022 protection is given to 22,000 mosque councils.

"Well, this year we support again to 12,000 vulnerable workers. With the establishment of synergy between bankjatim and BPJS Employment, it is hoped that it can provide benefits for the community to get protection and employment social security rights," said Busrul.