First in Indonesia, Bank Jatim Breaks MURI Record 2,312 Debtors Sign the Mass Consumer Credit Agreement

Date: 12 december 2023

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SURABAYA, 12 DECEMBER 2023. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (bankjatim) successfully broke the MURI record because 2,312 debtors have successfully carried out the signature of the credit contract simultaneously in all bankjatim branch offices. Both within East Java and outside East Java, such as in the Jakarta Branch and Batam Branch with centralized coordination at the Head Office. This made bankjatim awarded by MURI as a Regional Bank with Simultaneous Consumer Credit Agreement with the Most Debtors.

The activity titled Akad Mass Consumer Credit 12.12 was carried out offline and also hybrid by zoom on Tuesday (12/12). The MURI award achieved by bankjatim was handed over by MURI Operations Director Jusuf Ngadri to bankjatim President Director Busrul Iman accompanied by SEVP Consumer Banking bankjatim Hermita. The total value of lending to 2,312 debtors was Rp 310.4 billion.

Busrul explained that the participants who participated in this mass contract were consumer debtors with several credit schemes. Namely Multipurpose Credit (KMG), Cash Collateral Credit (CCC), Motor Vehicle Ownership Credit (KKB), Home Property Ownership Credit (KPR), Property-Backed Consumer Credit (KKBP), and Gold Collateral Credit (KJE). "Consumer Credit is one of bankjatim's credits that has helped many customers in fulfilling all useful needs so as to increase people's purchasing power," he said.

The purpose of this mass contract, among others, is to inform the public that bankjatim is a BPD that is ready to support economic growth in East Java through the consumer credit sector. As is well known, East Java's economic growth in the second quarter of 2023 amounted to 5.24 percent (YoY). This figure is higher than national growth. So it is hoped that through this mass contract activity it can have an even better impact on economic growth.

According to Busrul, the potential that can be obtained from the implementation of mass credit contracts for the continuation of bankjatim's business is very large. He explained, the realization of consumer credit is one of the efforts to increase people's purchasing power and generate the productive sector by involving MSMEs. "Well, in every realization of consumer credit is expected debtors directly install JConnect Mobile. So that through this step it can increase banking transactions and have an impact on the growth of fee base income. In addition, it is also expected to build a good image of bankjatim Consumer Credit products so that in the future this Muri Record program can grow and be sustainable, not just up to here, "he said.

In terms of performance, Busrul continued, when looking at the overall consumer credit portfolio of bankjatim, the KMG scheme contributed 85 percent from the aspect of outstanding and 93 percent from the aspect of the number of debtors. The next position is followed by the KPR and KKB schemes which tend to increase along with the regulatory stimulus from the government. In addition, bankjatim's consumer credit growth is also quite good. Throughout 2022, the number of NoA bankjatim consumer credit amounted to 261,441 and its credit distribution was at Rp 27.6 trillion. Then until November 2023, the number of NoA has reached 291,672 and the credit figure is Rp 29.3 trillion.

On this occasion also presented East Java MSMEs. So, all mass contract participants who have activated JConnect Mobile will be given a voucher worth Rp 200 thousand to be spent on MSME tenants who are present. "So through this event we want to emphasize that we are present for the people of East Java not only offering financial products, but also consistent in encouraging digital transformation through JConnect Mobile activities by all customers," he said.

Talking about 2024, the prospect of consumer credit is considered by Busrul to be still bright. According to him, the political year is not a down year, but a year with a myriad of opportunities. The organization of elections will encourage the level of spending for the implementation of democratic parties. As a result, the political year will actually be a blessing for several business actors, especially MSMEs. He predicts that there will be a surge in demand for certain products/services. Such as convection, posters, catering, transportation, etc. "Here there is an opportunity that MSME players have the opportunity to apply for consumptive credit, such as to buy a vehicle," he said.

Meanwhile, until the third quarter of 2023, bankjatim has booked assets of Rp 107 trillion or grew 8.69% (YoY). Furthermore, in terms of credit, during the third quarter of 2023, bankjatim also managed to record a significant increase in credit growth of 12.61% (YoY). The growth was above the average growth of the banking industry sector as of September at 8.96% (YoY). Bankjatim's highest credit growth occurred in the productive sector (commercial and SME) by 25.44% (YoY) and the consumer sector by 4.74% (YoY).

For JConnect itself, until the ninth month of 2023 managed to score positive growth. JConnect Mobile users have reached 606,239 users or grew 30% (YoY). Meanwhile, the number of transactions was at Rp 3.3 trillion, up 35% compared to the third quarter of 2022 (YoY). Furthermore, bankjatim QRIS merchants have reached 111,651 users with a total transaction of Rp 51 billion or grew 137% compared to the same period last year (YoY). JConnect Loan also grew positively and has been used to process 16,100 credit approvals from 21,400 credit applications.